Moss Stitch (or double moss as it is called in England and Canada) is seed

Maintaining the pattern is a bit more difficult, especially if you try to count the rows to maintain the pattern. Reading the knitting is an easier way to work this pattern.
The top four rows are easier to read than the botton rows in this example. The bottom rows have the purl bar a bit tucked up under the bar above it making it a bit more difficult to see.
I find it helpful to have a small needle handy to run up a knit column and under the purl bar. This helps isolate those purl bars and allows me to see exactly how many are hiding there.
Moss stitch is great for times when an article is viewed from both sides, as in scarves and afghans. It is also great to keep an edge from rolling where the inside of the piece is all or mostly stockinette. It is effectively used in edging sweater pieces like button placards or hems, hat bands, edges of scarves and afghans.
Moss stitch also produces a sligtly looser fabric than seed stitch.